Saturday, October 29, 2011

Through the Uintas

The miracles of technology are such that the tendrils of 3G service reach into the depths of Swallow Canyon, where we are drinking coffee on a sandy beach. After long days paddling across the Flaming Gorge Reservoir we've slackened our pace and have been leisurely exploring side canyons. Zak's dad and friend joined us on the reservoir, where we learned about the proposed 500+ mile water pipeline from the Flaming Gorge Reservoir to Colorado's Front Range. This project is still very much in planning stages but has the potential to significantly reduce the flow of the Green.
When we got to the Flaming Gorge Dam, we were greeted by two sheriffs who said they would rather drive us across the dam than us walk. What would have been a grueling three hour portage was an exciting 5 minute ride holding onto our boats in the back of the Dagget County sheriff's SUV, lights flashing all the way down to the river. You can blame the institutions that put a huge dam in a beautiful canyon (and we did), but all the people we've met have been exceedingly generous.
We're starting down the Canyon of Lodore tomorrow, which will be the first major whitewater of the trip.


  1. Go to Jensen post office if you can! I sent a letter.

  2. I sent two things to the Green River post office. Hope they arrive... Amanda

  3. The proposed 500+ mile water pipeline from the Flaming Gorge Reservoir to Colorado's Front Range may increase the risk of damaging Green River and further imperil the Colorado River downstream. I hope that the government will be able to think of these possibilities.

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